Best Dragon Naturally Speaking Support For SBAC

Dragon NaturallySpeaking software on a Windows computer for an accommodation for the speech-to-text in Oaks s back tests for the 2017 testing window I'm working on the Windows desktop computer with the Dragon NaturallySpeaking 12.5 and oak secure browser 9.0 prior to going into the oak secure browser you will need to open the Dragon Naturally Speaking and set up an individual profile for your student this should only take about five minutes first I'm going to take you to the Dragon NaturallySpeaking software icon which is a green flame icon you're going to double click on it to open it when it opens you're gonna come over here to the new and make a new user profile or create a user profile and you're gonna put the student's name I'm gonna put us back 2017 speech-to-text test and then I'm gonna click Next and here it says where would you like to store your profile the only option in here is going to be roaming profile and then here you're gonna the student will need to select their age group so generally they'll either be the 13 or under or 14 to 21 I'm 55 and older so I'm gonna check that next, you need to choose the region in the world that you're in and generally all of us will be in the United States.

Dragon Naturally Speaking

There are other options like Canada the United Kingdom New Zealand Australia etc so we're gonna hit next and your accent I have a standard accent but if you have students that have a Spanish accent in English you can choose that if you have a student as come to Oregon from the South and they have a Southern drawl you can choose that they also have inland north northern us or if you have somebody from Australia you can pick that they also have a teens one haven't tried that on a student yet but here so the next one is choosing the speech device generally we'll be using headsets so the most common is mic in jacket so you're going to choose that unless you have a USB or some other different recording device so now it's you just look over your choices and make sure that you have the right things in there and then click create so the position of your microphone is really important you need to have the white dog facing your mouth and usually about a thumbs width away from your mouth then you click next and this is adjusting your volume on your Dragon Naturally Speaking you're gonna have to read this in and start the volume check one thing I want to suggest is that if you have a student that has decoding issues you will want him or her to not try to decode while they're talking in so.
You can sit behind them and whisper in their ear what's on the screen so here we go while you're reading this the computer will adjust your microphone volume settings and then beep to signal that the process is complete so you notice that beep when I was finished and as I was talking the blue kept going up and down so that's the way it works if it isn't working you're gonna have to go into the control settings I'll show you right here in the control panel under ease of access you can set up a microphone and go in next next peter dictates peter dictates into his computer and he prefers it to typing and particularly prefers it to pen and paper so that'll check your microphone to see if it's okay so mine was okay if it wasn't you might want to check connections so now we're gonna go to the next screen which will be the test of quality of your sound system so this is going to be looking at like your volume and your if you are speaking loud enough and whew just how your voice sounds so we're gonna go to start quality check and again if you have a student that has decoding issues you might sit behind them and read whisper this in the back so they can read it in here we go for dragon to recognize your voice accurately it needs to check the quality of your audio system and your microphones speak into the microphone as clearly and naturally as you did in the previous step while reading this dragon is listening to you and examining the quality of your audio once dragon so it's telling me that I passed again if it didn't you might want to go back and do that check again or try a different headset if that's a problem so on this read text aloud to trained dragon we're not going to work on training because this is students should already be familiar with speech to text so.

we're gonna skip training and go to next and now your profile is going to be updated it only takes a few a minute or so while we're waiting on the screen I just wanted to show you this is the microphone and when the program is finished creating your profile you're gonna be able to click on this and it'll turn green so that you can start dictating okay so this this is an advanced feature that looks it can import your emails and your documents but we're not gonna worry about that because it takes about five to thirty minutes so you're gonna uncheck send emails and uncheck my documents and you're gonna go to next and we're not gonna have it improve during the testing window you're gonna say don't run down a collection and then you're finished one other thing before we start we have to go into tools when that's finished here so as you can see over here it's initializing the software and when it's ready so what will happen here is we're going to close out of this tutorial because we're not going to do it and it says you really want to exit that tutorial and we're gonna say yes and then it's gonna give you this sidebar that has controls in it but we're not going to be dealing with that and then I'll ask if do you want to show the dragon bar the next time you opened you're gonna say no and we're gonna close the last thing I need you to do is to go up to tools and under options there's this options box and what we need to do is down at the bottom here it says use the dictation box for unsupported applications we want to uncheck that say apply and then okay so great we're ready to start with the okk secure browser we're gonna go in here and I'm gonna go to the practice site and I'm gonna click sign in and I'm gonna select grade 8 and then the next step is yes and I'm gonna click the start Grade II LH @ and then the first thing you want to do that's really important is click permissive mode on and the other thing we're gonna deal with today is text-to-speech so that it can read items and stimuli accommodations then we're gonna click select and then it just has you check to make sure you've got everything on that you need on and we're gonna say yes so now we're gonna check a sound and you're gonna say the sound you want students to adjust the volume to where they're comfortable have them play around with that till they know and this is what's important during the practice test to get these steps set then the text-to-speech sound check so when I click that I'm hearing that it says this text is being read aloud so what is important again is to check the volume the pitch can change how it sounds the rate is a really critical thing for some students some students need it to speak slower some need it to speak faster so have them play around with the rate so.

Now I'm gonna begin the test and what I want to show you right here is that this is the icon to speak passages so you click on it so it's reading to me now and if I need to stop and pause I can pause speaking then here's your questions regarding the passage I'm gonna pick this one and then I'm gonna go to the next page which is where our dictation with the speech-to-text will begin I'm going to turn on my microphone the author's message about the Oregon Trail is to relate how long and arduous the journey was period they cross the Oregon Trail going over 650 miles period you'll notice that I have some errors in here so you want to make sure that after you finish speaking that you turn off the prediction the speech-to-text and now I'm gonna go back and fix some of the errors like they should be capitalized and here's the miscellaneous stuff that I had and I'm gonna delete that so that's once you get through the initial thing this is how easy speech-to-text is students sometimes can jot down notes on a piece of paper or also into the notepad you can talk some of your thoughts in there so thank you for listening I hope this helps you get set up for Dragon Naturally Speaking Support and the Oaks s back tests 


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