
Showing posts from April, 2020

The ultimate guide to Dragon NaturallySpeaking?

Is there such a thing as an Ultimate guide to Dragon NaturallySpeaking? Let me explain how I came to this question: If you have read my bio, you know that I have been a trainer for speech recognition software for almost 20 years now. However, I have a confession to make: running an international online branch to my business is a new experience for me. I will admit, it has a bit of a learning curve. But I’m enjoying the process immensely and I get help building my business from an international online community for entrepreneurs. Recently I had the opportunity to pick the brains of the leaders of this community and I got some useful advice on how to make people find my website. I was told to write an article of at least 2000 to 3000 words from my blog a good title would be “the ultimate guide to Dragon speech recognition”. But it had to be a true ‘ultimate guide ‘, delivering real value and giving a good introduction on how to use Dragon (NaturallySpeaking). ...

How to update Dragon naturally speaking – Dragon Support

There are three ways to install dragon updates on your windows computer. I will put below, so it will be easier for you to understand. The notification area of windows. open your nuance dragon update software and click on the install update. If you do not see any available update on dragon naturally speaking update software, you can click on the check of an update on the top corner of the dragon update software.] While installing dragon software, if you check the box to install updates without you doing anything, the software will update by its own that means you don’t have to do anything with installing the update on dragon naturally speaking software. Nuance support and dragon support has made things easy for the user to update the software. Make sure while installing update all application is closed and you have saved data if you have not done that You may not be able to update your dragon naturally speaking softwar...