The ultimate guide to Dragon NaturallySpeaking?
Is there such a thing as an Ultimate guide to Dragon NaturallySpeaking? Let me explain how I came to this question: If you have read my bio, you know that I have been a trainer for speech recognition software for almost 20 years now. However, I have a confession to make: running an international online branch to my business is a new experience for me. I will admit, it has a bit of a learning curve. But I’m enjoying the process immensely and I get help building my business from an international online community for entrepreneurs. Recently I had the opportunity to pick the brains of the leaders of this community and I got some useful advice on how to make people find my website. I was told to write an article of at least 2000 to 3000 words from my blog a good title would be “the ultimate guide to Dragon speech recognition”. But it had to be a true ‘ultimate guide ‘, delivering real value and giving a good introduction on how to use Dragon (NaturallySpeaking). ...